

Electric vehicles are certainly a technology of our days and no more future technology. The infrastructure for robust, fast, and elective charging of EVs whiles supporting the electricity grid is still under development. Together with Alliander, Control System Research Group has developed a prototype of a smart EV charging system which takes the availability of energy and network constraints for controlling the charging of EVs. Two charge station has been developed and implemented together with Alliander and is currently being tested inside HAN. It is the goal that the two charging poles will be connected to the SOPRA system and be used for research and education purposes.


For further research and development, several things still need to be done.
  • Develop a web interface which can show the charging information. 
  • Develop an android and ios app which can display the same information. 
  • The web and apps should content a database for storing the car information. 
  • Research on the possibilities of implement cloud computing for optimizing the charge power base on data and sensor information. Build an (example or prototypes) engine which can demo the possible solution.

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