Contact: Kevin Leunissen -
Samenwerking WUR - LBC Application: This app communicates through bluetooth with beacons: devices that can be placed in an indoor food environment and that allow for communication through mobile phones based on the exact location (e.g., in the candy corridor in the supermarket). This Location Based Communication app (LBC) can be used as a just-in-time intervention by sending prompts to the participant when reaching a beacon. The objective of the proposed study is to further develop this location-based-communication app into a tool that can be used for just-in-time adaptive interventions in the broader contextual environment and is also able to measure, analyze and map movement patterns, the enabling and hindering contextual factors on health behaviours in different contexts, and to generate meaningful movement patterns that offer insight in the behavior of people. This tool also needs to be socially accepted by end-users.
Technische Constraints/ Wensen
- flutter
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Joons Stuijvenberg, van
The just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) is an intervention design aiming to provide the right type/amount of support, at the right time, by adapting to an individual's changing internal and contextual state. The availability of increasingly powerful mobile and sensing technologies underpins the use of JITAIs to support health behavior, as in such a setting an individual's state can change rapidly, unexpectedly, and in his/her natural environment.