The <<CRUD>> and <<CRD>> would look like the diagram below when expanded. The CRUD acronym stands for Create, Read, Update & Delete. This simple collectivisation shows that an actor can interact with a certain use-case, in this case a tab. They can add new tabs, they can read the data that is present within the tabs, they can update the tab by adding new graphs or removing graphs and they can delete tabs by removing them from the view.
Use Case Descriptions
In this chapter, all of the use-cases in the use-case diagram will be expanded and explained, adding a primary actor, potential stakeholders, a brief description, pre- and postconditions as well as a main success path and any potential alternative paths to successfully complete the use-case. Next to this overview of the use-case, an SSD or System Sequence Diagram has been added, which shows the user actions as well as the system's responses to these user actions.