With this design class diagram you can see the interactions happening between different classes of our program. The logincontroller makes sure it knows everything that has to do with logging in. The resource sends the requests to the controller and recieves data back from the controller.
The resource classes makes uses of the Response interface. This needs to happen, so that the user knows what went wrong.
Sequence diagram login
The loginResource should only return the response, since it's a resource and should apply the Single Responsibility rule. The loginService is an information expert, since it knows and keeps all the information from the classes. The userDAO sends a call to the database, which happens in the selectQuery method.
Design decisions
View data per round
Sequence diagram view data per round
The crewmember interacts with the ModalComponent to create a new tab. In this component, the crewmember fills in the desired rounds that they want to see data from. The system will then add the new tab with the specified rounds to the application.
View Races
Sequence diagram view races
The crewmember goes to the rewatch race page where the front-end does a call to the back-end. This activates the getAllRaces method in the RaceResource. The resource is only responsible for returning the response so it gets delegated to the RaceController. The RaceController delegates this to the raceDAO because getting the data from the database is not the responsibility of the controller. In the RaceDAO a database connection is established to get all the data from the database. The benefit of this structure is that you can easily swap the classes which results in low cohesion and high coupling. This structure is based of the the layer pattern.
Design decision
The BMW is the only car they intend to use in the near future so it's not necessary to make a new table for racecar.
Place Graph
Sequence diagram show sensor
When a crewmember opens the a tab, the front-end does a call to the back-end. It calls a method to SensorWithGraphResource. This is the controller of the SensorWithGraphDAO that gets the data which is needed for displaying graphs on the front-end. The SensorWithGraphDAO creates two DTO's. This is because the DAO uses them to send the data from the database to the resource.
Sequence diagram select sensor
We decided that making a sequence diagram is not needed for this user action to the system. The sensors will get loaded in when someone navigates to the website after which the crewmember will click on the desired sensor to view a graph from. After the user clicks on the sensor, it wil instantly show the types of graph linked to the sensor. This is something that happens on the front-end, thats why we decided its unnecessary.
Sequence diagram select graph
The crewmember interacts with the front-end by clicking on the desired graph type. This will call a method to create the graph on the sidebar component. This is because the sidebar component is the controller. The SidebarComponent will interact with GlobalComponent because the SidebarComponent knows everything about GlobalComponent. GlobalComponent knows what is in the user's tabArray, which is why the push method on that array is called.
Design decision
Not every sensor has data that fits in a normal table.
Graph CRD
sequence diagram deletegraph
The crewmember deletes a graph on the webpage. the front-end does a call to the back-end. The resource is only responsible for returning the response so it gets delegated to GraphService. The GraphService delegates this to the GraphDAO because deleting the data from the database is not the responsibility of the service. In the GraphDAO the graph gets deleted from the database. The benefit of this structure is that you can easily swap the classes which results in low cohesion and high coupling. This structure is based of the the layer pattern.
Sequence diagram addGraph
The crewmember adds a graph on the webpage. the front-end does a call to the back-end. The resource is only responsible for returning the response so it gets delegated to GraphService. The GraphService delegates this to the GraphDAO because adding the data to the database is not the responsibility of the service. In the GraphDAO the graph gets added to the database. The benefit of this structure is that you can easily swap the classes which results in low cohesion and high coupling. This structure is based of the the layer pattern.
Delete Tab
Database Design
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