This product will be used by the Regterschot Racing team. In the future, users that are not part of the team, may be able to login to the website to view the race. The racing team are able to see the statistics of the car during and after the race.
Name | Characteristics |
Crewmember | A member of the racing team that will use the dashboard to analyse racing data. |
Regterschotracing | The |
compony for whom we are building our application. | |
Viewer | A fan that can watch the race ith a small set of provided data. |
<Identify the various user classes (actors) that you anticipate will use this product. User classes may be differentiated based on the subset of product functions used. Describe the pertinent characteristics of each user class. Certain requirements may pertain only to certain user classes. >
The software will operate on Java 17 and will use maven. The program will run in jboss/wildfly 25.0.0.final. The connection to the database and the execution of queries are done with JDBC. The data can be seen using a TCP connection since the program needs a constant stream of data. On top of that, we'll use Angular as our front-end framework.
Design and Implementation Constraints
The product owner did not give many has not given a lot of constraints for this project. There are still a few technical limitations that limits limit our options. The car's data is being sent to the database twenty times per second. (insert database type). For constant streaming of data to the application, it is required to use TCP as a communication protocol.